
Over 20 Years Of Advanced NFL Data

Access To NFL Data
Is No Longer A Burden

FTN Data helps small & large businesses improve their data efficiency & costs by working directly with our clients to customize their data offerings. Save costs and improve your product with trusted & accurate data.

Our Features

What Does FTN Data Offer?

NFL Premium API

Advanced Charted NFL Data and Player Participation, Delivered via REST JSON API


Get FTN's Aggregated Data Displayed on your B2C Properties

Custom Feeds

Custom Backend Feeds with Potential Exclusivity

NFL Data Points
0 +
Years of Historical Data
0 +
Less Expensive than Competition
0 %

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Our Clients

Our Features



Access Historical Data

Access Historical DVOA Data going back to 1979

DVOA Add-on

DVOA is now available as an add-on in an FTN Data Package

Flexible Pricing

We want to work with you! Our flexible pricing allows all companies to access DVOA, no matter the size of your business

DFS Solutions

DFS Solutions For Your Business

DFS Optimizer

Blazing-fast speed - Build up to 150 lineups in under a minute. Pre-settings allow users to build lineups based on successful Milli-Maker winning strategies.

White Label available - customize the optimizer with your own colors and logo.


REST JSON API feed with game and player projections for NFL, NBA, MLB, and PGA. Each model is live, updated in real time as news becomes available.

Use the Industry's most accurate ownership projections for NFL, NBA, MLB, and PGA

Slate & Salary Feed

Daily API feed with salary and position information for DraftKings and FanDuel. API feed is updated throughout the day as news becomes available.

Feeds available for NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, PGA, CFB, and CBB.

Results That Speak For Themselves


We use our proprietary stat and ownership projections to run 10,000+ simulations


Our FTN game simulations are the industry’s best replication of real-life results


The game simulations automatically capture correlation between players


Contest sims are only as good as your ability to accurately predict the lineups the competition will be using. Our industry-leading ownership projections help do exactly that.


*Contest Sims are coming soon

Dominate The Industry


Individual Game Simulations
0 K+
Years of Proven Success
0 +
Cost Savings vs Competitors
0 %

White Label Solutions Available

We Also Build Custom Tools & Data Feeds. Contact Us For More Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask Us

FTN Data is a sports data company that specializes in delivering extraordinarily detailed and accurate football data with short turnaround times upon game completion. We use a robust charting and base collection system to paint a vibrant picture that quantifies exactly what happened on every NFL play. Our data offerings include both traditional statistics as well a multitude of advanced data points and analysis.

We’ve put together a slideshow to see some examples of our data being used, by us and in the media. Click here to check it out

FTN Data was founded in 2020, but its story is even longer. In 2001 Arm Chair Analysis was formed and would go on to provide reliable data to its clients for nearly two decades. Fast forward to 2020, FTN Data acquired Armchair with the sole intent of building onto an already great foundation. The 2020 NFL season was FTN’s first season, resulting in the addition of hundreds of advanced data points, including skill-player participation.

While FTN Data has mastered the NFL data collection, we are set to expand to additional sports. FTN will collect NBA data beginning in the 2024-2025 season.

FTN Data sells data on both an individual and an enterprise level. We offer flexible pricing that allows us to offer the best prices for individuals, start-ups, and large corporations. 

We have a DVOA endpoint that is available to FTN Data clients as an add-on. Our pricing for DVOA is flexible, so you can access DVOA regardless of the size of your business.

At FTN Data, we offer three main levels of access. The cheapest option is CSV Access, which includes NFL base stats from the last three seasons, as well as play-by-play feeds. This options costs $599. Our mid-tier plan offers API access for all basic & charting NFL data. It includes player participation for all skill positions, and historical charting data since 2019. This package is perfect for individuals and small companies and costs $5,000. Lastly, our enterprise level plan is best for large companies looking for white label solutions, custom access to API feeds, and more. Contact us to learn more about this option.


You can signup directly at 

Frank Brank is the Chief Data Officer for FTN. Frank will handle the day-to-day responsibilities along with the development of new products and sports for FTN Data. You can reach him at


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