NBA Game of the Day, 2/12: Warriors vs. Mavericks

Alex Christenson
Wednesday’s quiz, on every game with 250 or more rushing yards in NFL history, featured only 14 entries, and most of them (though not all) were stars and fairly famous. Today’s, on every game with 250 or more receiving yards in NFL history, features 25 entries, and it’s only that short because I limited this one to the merger – it felt mean to ask players to remember Cloyce Box or Del Shofner.
The other notable thing about today’s is that, while there are a lot of all-timers here, there are also some much more subtle names. You’ll get a lot of these. If you get all 25, though, you’re a legend. Take the quiz and see how you do!
(Want to play every Fantasy Football Quiz of the Day? Click here!)