2020 DraftKings Tips — Full Strategy | Podcast | Using Tools | Picking Contests | Player Pool
There are very few things I’m overly confident about in life. Sports picks, style, what words mean, sex… none of these things. But losing money on DraftKings during NFL season, this I can guide you through.
Here are some tips on how to waste your money during the 2020 NFL DraftKings season.
1. Randomly bulk entering lineups in contests
It’s a Thursday evening, it’s halftime, I’m approximately 30% done a bottle of wine — OK, 30% done a *second* bottle of wine — and all my DraftKings Showdown teams are already losers. Then the thought occurs to me: This couldn’t be because I’m bad at picking players, must have gotten extremely unlucky. So, the tides will turn on the weekend. This is followed by a quick Face ID to my phone, launching the DK App, and randomly constructing a lineup in 34 seconds and assuming THIS IS THE ONE!!!!
2. Put no thought into which contests you’re entering
Never mind I made no attempt to correlate the lineup, utilize the players in the late-afternoon games in my flex to enhance the viability of the late swap feature, or even wait to factor in the Friday injury report and use the FTN Daily projections, powered by people who are much better at this than I. Nope. I clearly just made THEE BEST lineup with THEE BEST players, so how could I lose?
3. Assume you’re going to win a million dollars every time you enter a lineup
This always starts out entering it in a $5 contest, but after it brings me to the next page after the lineups been entered, I start thinking, “well, I wouldn’t want to miss out on all these big prizes when this lineups goes off,” and proceed to mass enter it contests above my bankroll.
4. Repeating this behavior at strange times
In season-long fantasy football, the most fun part is drafting your team. Waiver, trades, worrying about a bench spot, that’s awful. This is known. Hence why people love playing on DraftKings — it’s literally just drafting a team, over and over. So beyond a semi-blackout draft on Thursday night, I’ll repeat the same process at different times during the week when I’m killing time. Waiting to pick up my son from daycare: Draft a new team. Smoke break: Draft a new team. Taking a shit: Draft a new team.
5. Continuously making lineups in low level tournaments then feel the need to mass enter them in higher stakes in fear of FOMO
Don’t think I’m not mass entering these one-off lineups at random. I am. Maybe I just like clicking on things?
6. Have unreal expectations
I’m happy betting $100 to win $90 on a football game while I get TRIGGERED if I don’t have the ability to win $100K on a $10 entry.
7. Ban yourself from using certain players because you hate them
Bringing personal bias into a game where math, probability, game theory, and detailed film analysis need to be combined to have the greatest opportunity to succeed. Mark Ingram is set up for all the volume, goal-line touches, against the best opponent he could draw, you say? Don’t care. Fuck him. I fucking hate that guy.
8. Take it seriously too late
Sunday morning has finally come along; I’ve finished all my media for the week, done all the research for the week, and I’m finally starting to take this seriously. I allocate an amount of money I want to enter for this slate, research which contests have the best pay out structure, and which are actually winnable. Then I go to the tools, assess the projections and ownership, narrow my player pool, set up correlations and stacks and generate lineups. Quickly enter them in only the contests I’ve determined are sensible, potentially profitable, and put them in play.
Generally, I do pretty well with these lineups. Profitable, even.
9. Don’t withdraw these entries after you start taking it seriously
Problem is, I’ve already entered all these other garbage lineups in myriad contests, for way more money than the good ones. Now, a sane person would withdraw these entries. Not me. What if they’re the nuts and I would have not only won the Milly Maker, but a couple other six-figure scores along the way? Goodbye mortgage, hello retirement. Then they all lose, and it wipes out all the gains I made with the well-thought-out lineups. On to next week: Rinse and repeat.
Basically, if you do the opposite of these tidbits, you’ll have a much easier time churning out a profit in 2020 on DraftKings NFL. Better yet, I let FTN Daily’s Kyle Murray and Javi Prellezo fill me in on a superior NFL DraftKings strategy from contest selection to projections to game theory. Listen to them, they know how to win at this stuff.
Pat Mayo gets Javier Prellezo and Kyle Murray from FTN Daily to walk through their 2020 DraftKings NFL strategy, research and lineup strategy while identifying the traps to avoid and how they utilize the tools at FTN Daily to give you the best opportunity to win on DraftKings NFL in the 2020 season.
Show Index
3:52 Tournament Selection
8:41 How to Narrow Your Core Players/Stacking
14:23 How Valuable is Ownership/Good vs Bad Chalk
17:51 How to pick Pivot players
20:47 Setting Expectations on Winning and Results
25:38 How to know if you’re making bad picks or getting unlucky with good process?
29:37 Using Betting Odds for 2020 DraftKings NFL Picks
30:51 How to Adjust to late injuries and inactives
33:41 Using Late Swap to your Advantage
35:37 DraftKings Tips and Do Not Dos
36:48 Using the FTNDaily.com Tools and Projections for 2020 DraftKings NFL
44:27 Using the Pace and Game Situation Tools
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