Whitestone’s Waiver Watch: NFBC Main Event (9/9) background
Whitestone’s Waiver Watch: NFBC Main Event (9/9)

Whitestone’s Waiver Watch: NFBC Main Event (9/9)


Home Stretch

MLB Counter = 89% of the season complete

There are now three weeks left in the season (and we’ve played almost 90% based on games played), so as 2024 winds down, let’s continue our lightning view of the 57 Main Event leagues and see which fantasy owners are in the driver’s seat for a league title.

To be clear, this is an update on the second group (last week we did the first group) of 14 Main Event leagues (about a quarter of the total) listed on the NFBC site, focusing on fantasy managers who have a chance to win the league as of Friday, September 6. In each league, there are likely unlisted teams that have a chance to finish second or third, but these charts are only focused on first place. Therefore, I’ve just listed teams either in the top three places or within 10 points of the leader, in an effort to see which fantasy managers have a shot to win the league title and achieve Main Event glory!

There are five designations listed below:

  • GROUP ONE – IT’S OVER (20 POINT OR MORE LEAD) – 2 leagues
  • GROUP TWO – IT’S PROBABLY OVER (LEAD OF 12.0-19.5) – 3 leagues
  • GROUP THREE – A GOOD CUSHION (LEAD OF 8.0-11.5) – 1 league
  • GROUP FOUR – WORK TO DO (LEAD OF 4.0-7.5) – 4 leagues
  • GROUP FIVE – DOGFIGHT (LEAD OF 3.5 OR LESS) – 4 leagues

Group One – Designation: It’s Over

Shark Bite – 23.5-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Clark Olson 138.0
2nd Lindy Hinkelman 114.5
3rd David Mirza 108.5

Clark Olson is just dangerous – let’s leave it at that. This is his (as of Friday) team ranked #2 overall in the Main Event, and he’s got a big 23.5-point lead that I’m saying is too much for his league competitors to overcome. Lindy Hinkelman is a decorated player, and David Mirza has shown some good skills, but this league is over.

Tony Award Winner – 20.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Tony DiVincenzo 132.5
2nd Stephen Jupinka 112.5
3rd Richard Zito 101.5

So Tony D has a Tony Award (according to him), but more importantly he has a 20-point lead over outstanding competition. Stephen Jupinka is just an excellent player and Richard Zito, well, he’s really a star in his own right (although he admits he has not won a Tony). But Mr. DiVincenzo got loose from them and is now in cruise mode for the league title. In addition, this team is ranked #4 overall, so there’s lots of intrigue there. Will Tony win the Best Actor Award or be more in a Supporting role? Time will tell.

Group Two – Designation: It’s Probably Over

Irish Eyes Are Smiling – 16.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Michael O’Brien 130.0
2nd Greg Smith 114.0
3rd Joe Green 113.5

Michael O’Brien says he hails from Dublin, but didn’t mention whether this was in Ireland or Ohio. In any case, his Irish roots apparently run deep, as he has four-leaf clovers planted all over his yard. In addition, Michael’s Main Event team was ranked #15 overall as of Friday and he’s built up an impressive 16.0-point lead on his league mates. Greg Smith and Joe Green are battling it out for second place and have had fine seasons in League 1518, but it doesn’t seem likely that they can catch the Irishman. 

Bang The Drum Slowly – 14.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Griffin Benger 127.0
2nd Carter Gill 113.0
3rd Philippe Dussault 101.5

Griffin Benger, star drummer for several rock bands far and wide, has rolled his way into a sizable lead in League 1521. Not only that, but as of Friday he had vaulted into seventh place overall with this squad. In doing so, Griffin has outdistanced both Carter Gill and 2021 Main Event Overall Champ Phil Dussault, no small accomplishment. Griffin still has to close this deal, but a 14.0-point lead with a little over three weeks to go looks pretty safe. 

Sullivan Square – 12.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Andrew Sullivan 115.5
2nd Bill Gaffney 103.5
3rd Bryan Fitzgerald 98.0

Sullivan Square is a famous location in Charlestown, Massachusetts, located on the MBTA Transit System on the Orange Line. Now Sullivan Square and its station are generally accepted to be named for James Sullivan, an early 19th-century Governor of Massachusetts and first president of the Middlesex Canal Company, but Andrew texted me to inform me that it is really named after him because he is a famous person and rode on the Orange Line once in 2014. In any case, Andrew led two excellent fantasy managers – Bill Gaffney and Bryan Fitzgerald – by 12.0 points on Friday, making him an odds-on favorite to win League 1520. His planned celebration? A ride on the MBTA Orange Line of course…

Group Three – Designation: A Good Cushion

The Kid Ben Tidd – 8.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Ben Tidd 115.0
2nd Markus Sultan 107.0
3rd Joe Green 104.0

The Kid has made quite a name for himself. He’s already finished high in the Main Event overall standings in the recent past, he writes for a popular fantasy site, appears on a regular podcast and now he’s looking to put away a Main Event title in 2024. This one is not really salted away, though, as Markus Sultan and Joe Green are within striking distance. But it’s a reasonably good cushion with three weeks to go, even though I’m not agreeing with Ben that a victory means that someone will write a Ballad of Benny the Kid.

Group Four – Designation: Work to Do 

Department Store Sale – 6.5-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Bill Macey 126.5
2nd Steven Puntenney 120.5
3rd Eddie Gillis 114.5

Bill Macey owns one of the biggest department stores in New York City. I’ll let you figure out which one, but more importantly he’s winning a Main Event league and as of Friday was ranked 12th overall in the Main Event contest. So life is easy for Bill, right? Well, Steven Puntenney is just 6 points back and has a comeback on his mind (which is funny because for some reason his favorite football play is the punt). In any case, Steven thinks he just needs to pick up a couple of points per week and he’ll be right there, and I have to agree with him.

Mitchell Plans to Get Rich-Ell – 6.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Alan Mitchell 123.5
2nd Kyle Brinkmann 117.5
3rd Justin Aspite 115.5

Alan Mitchell has had an excellent year, with a first and a second place in the Main Event as of today. This is his first-place team (48th overall as of Friday), and he is currently leading a player who has four cashing positions in the Main Event – Kyle Brinkmann. Alan led by only 6 points as of Friday, so he’ll have to earn this victory – and Justin Aspite is lurking just 8 points out to make things just a little more complicated. This could be a bit tight.

The One True King – 5.5-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Brandon King 118.5
2nd James Gabal 113.0
3rd Graham Dawick 102.5

Brandon King tells everyone that with royalty comes privilege. And this season it appears that privilege is going to come with a Main Event title. But this lead is none too safe, so Brandon will have to climb down off his throne for three weeks to stay on top of the competition. James Gabal is an experienced player and knows what he is doing, and he lurks just 5.5 points behind. Graham Dawick believes he can make a run as well, but 16 points looks to be too much for him to finish first. For me, it’s either King or Gabal in this league, with the regal one holding a firm upper hand.

Dan the Man – 5.5-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Dan Thompson 115.5
2nd Brian Magnani 110.0
3rd Matthew Crane 109.5
4th Mike Ballschmiede 106.5

League 1487 has four teams within 9 points of the lead, so this really is up for grabs. Dan Thompson has a small edge of 5.5 points as of Friday, but I expect one of Brian Magnani (who is a magnanimous fellow), Matthew Crane (who works for a construction company) and Mike Ballschmiede (who runs a sporting goods store) to make a charge. Dan will have to stay focused or this one could slip away from his grasp.

Group Five – Designation: Dogfight

The Champ Gets a Test – 2.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Robert Cramutola 116.0
2nd Kevin Hasting 114.0
3rd Dalton Del Don 104.5

Four dogfights remain out of the 14 leagues we’re reviewing this week. League #1519 is a two-man race between our 2022 overall champ Robert Cramutola, whose name is all over the Main Event league standings with two firsts and two seconds, and upstart Kansas City Royals fan Kevin Hasting, who tells me he has a never-say-die attitude. One surge could put the other player in a tough situation, but I don’t expect either player to give anything away. I just hope Kevin doesn’t start rostering Royals AA players down the stretch to prove his team loyalty.

Don’t Pause Because a Shark Might Be On Your Tail – 1.5-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st John Pausma 112.5
2nd Clark Olson 111.0
3rd Daniel Semsel 104.5

Here’s a league with two elite fantasy managers battling it out for the title. John Pausma is a legend, and he seemed the odds-on favorite at the beginning of the season, but Clark Olson has had years of outstanding results and 2024 is going to go down in the books as a fantastic campaign for The Shark. It’s a terrific test for two of the best, and John should not slow down, or pause, or he could be looking up at a shark.

Is the Den Dusty Or Do We Need a Compass – 1.0-Point Lead

Place As of 8/30 (before night games) Points
1st Andrew Deninno 118.0
2nd Dustin McComas 117.0
3rd Mark Northan 116.0

In League 1516, there are three players elbowing each other for the lead, and as of Friday this league boasted the No. 27 and No. 26 overall teams (Deninno and McComas). Andrew refuses to leave his den, while Dustin is out scouting Single-A players in West Texas. Mark Northan is right there in the thick of things as well, and it’s really difficult to pick out a favorite. Let’s just say this is going down to the final day, and enjoy the finish of this race.

The Shepherd vs. a Movie Company Mogul – 1.0-Point Lead

Place As of 9/6 (before night games) Points
1st Matthew Shepherd 111.5
2nd Adam Warner 111.0
3rd Michael Mager 105.5
4th Joe Bavaro 104.5

Finally, we have League 1484, another four-team affair with a humble shepherd watching his flock against the mighty CEO of Warner Brothers. Only half a point separates these two combatants, but they need to stay vigilant because the Bronx Yankee Michael Mager and brave player Joe Bavaro (Brave Bavaro?) are just a little bit behind. This is another fight to the finish, and Adam summed it up in his text to me about his approach, “The only rule is, there are no rules!”

NFBC Main Event FAAB #25: FAAB

In FAAB #25 on September 8, spending continued to slow as Main Event owners have mostly emptied their FAAB accounts. The top-10 widest acquisitions this week are in the chart below, and Main Event owners (see below) were not divided on where to throw the most FAAB dollars. Trevor Story was the top addition, with a commanding average winning bid of over $22. It may not seem like a lot, but with FAAB accounts almost empty, it is still a high level of commitment. Second was Dodger Landon (who has kind of a knack for pitching) Knack, who got an average winning bid of $7. The number three and four widest additions were closer Luke Weaver (something I didn’t anticipate) and catcher Joey Bart. Outside of the top 10, there were eight winning average bids of $10 or more (with at least five leagues added): Garrett Crochet with an average winning bid of $21 in seven leagues; Lane Thomas $15 in six leagues; Max Scherzer $12 in 18 leagues; Otto Lopez $12 in 6 leagues; Cade Povich and Rhett Lowder both $11 in 15 leagues; Tyler Kinley $11 in 9 and Kyle Manzardo $10 in 12 leagues.

NFBC Main Event – The Never Ending Story

Video gif. Baby holding a board book like an adult, eyes wide and moving back and forth as if reading.
Player Leagues Added Highest Winning Bid Average Winning Bid Reason
Trevor Story 45 $88 $22.76 Back as regular SS
Landon Knack 38 $31 $7.21 Starts this week vs. ATL
Luke Weaver 36 $24 $7.67 New Yankee Closer?
Joey Bart 26 $23 $6.08 Back from injury
Jonny DeLuca 22 $23 $7.73 Playing well and running too
Jake Fraley 22 $20 $5.82 7 RHP this week
Tommy Pham 20 $13 $5.85 What team is he on now?
Valente Bellozo 19 $27 $4.95 PIT and WAS this week
Nick Martinez 19 $20 $6.26 ATL and MIN this week
Paul Blackburn 19 $17 $5.47 TOR and PHI this week

Winning Bids over $100 and $200

Bidding Stock Market GIF by Pudgy Penguins

I’m also keeping tabs on players attracting the highest individual FAAB bids. In the 25th run on September 8, there were no winning bids over $200, and just one from $100-199. The winning bid over $100 was for Rhys Hoskins, who I am contractually obligated to point out is 4-for-40 since August 27. In any case, that winning bid revises the total of large bids this season to 311 winning bids over $200 and now 799 winning bids between $100 and $199 (Will we get to 800?).

The Wow Bid of the Week: Reese’s Pieces

believe kourtney kardashian GIF

The highest overall bid in FAAB Week 25 was for (see above) Rhys Hoskins of the Milwaukee Brewers, who was added in just 1 of 57 Main Event leagues This top bid of $120 was the 25th-highest (the lowest of the highest?) Wow bid out of the 25 registered so far and easily beat out the unsuccessful runner-up bid of $21.

SNL gif. Chris Farley in the Schmitts Gay Beer sketch lifts the sunglass portion of his double lenses in stunned surprise.

The Wow Bids of 2024

  • 3/24: Nolan Schanuel $200 (21)
  • 3/31: Jason Foley $479 (5)
  • 4/7: James McArthur $225 (19)
  • 4/14 Brandon Nimmo $578 (3)
  • 4/21 Wilyer Abreu $350 (13)
  • 4/28 Pete Crow-Armstrong $355 (12)
  • 5/5 Christian Scott $677 (Highest)
  • 5/12 Taj Bradley $444 (7)
  • 519 Reed Garrett $420 (8)
  • 5/26 Wyatt Langford $248 (18)
  • 6/2 Ben Brown $366 (10)
  • 6/9 Blake Snell $360 (11)
  • 6/16 Ryne Stanek $261 (17)
  • 6/23 Michael Harris $281 (15)
  • 6/30 Noelvi Marte $509 (4)
  • 7/7 James Wood $462 (6)
  • 7/14 Rece Hinds $609 (2)
  • 7/21 Jordan Montgomery $189 (23)
  • 7/28 Robbie Ray $400 (9)
  • 8/4 Devin Williams $320 (14)
  • 8/11 Ryan Walker $185 (24)
  • 8/18 Zebby Matthews $217 (20)
  • 8/25 Matt Waldron $199 (22)
  • 9/1 Dylan Crews $271 (16)
  • 9/8 Rhys Hoskins $120 (25)

FAAB Summary: Winding Down

In the 25th FAAB week, Main Event owners successfully made 1,276 winning bids (about 9% less than last week), and the spending was certainly propped up by the bids on Trevor Story. After this week, Main Event owners have now spent approximately $917 of their $1,000 allocation, and although this total amount spent remains lower than each of the last three years at the 25-week mark, it is now pretty close to the level spent at this point in the three previous years. This year’s Week 25 had spending of about $9 per team, compared to 2023 ($5), 2022 ($6) and 2021 ($6) levels. Still, considering there are just two FAAB runs left, owners still have more money to spend compared to the past. If you consider the total amount remaining, the average Main Event owner can still theoretically spend about $41 per week over the final two weeks. But remember, each year about $40-50 per team goes unspent due to owners throwing in the towel at the end of the year, so if you assume $50 is unspent, there would be $33 remaining on the average active teams, and that figures out to about $16 per week – that’s a more realistic estimate.

Total Spent: Main Event Through 25 FAAB Periods

  • 2024: $917
  • 2023: $948
  • 2022: $936
  • 2021: $932

FAAB Spending Summary 2024:

2024 FAAB Week Total # of Winning Bids Total FAAB $ Spent Average Winning Bid Average Amount Spent (per team) Cumulative FAAB Spent (per team)
25 1276 $7,582 $5.94 $8.87 $917.40

Overall Leaderboard: The Great Santini 

Jason Santini and Clark (the Shark) Olson have traded the lead since mid-July, with Clark mainly on top. But this week Jason took his game to a new level, with not one but two teams in front of the Shark. Jason is now threatening to eclipse the 2021 finish of Phil Dussault (who finished first and third that year). Jason wanted everyone to know that his nickname is The Great Santini and he really inspired the 1979 movie (no one remembers back that far, Jason). But this race is certainly not over yet, though, as it could be nip-and-tuck right down to the finish, as Jason has a 45.0 point lead over, um, Jason Santini! (he has a 79.5-point lead over Clark Olson in 3rd). These two competitors are doing some special stuff this season: Clark has four Main Event entries currently ranked 3rd, 24th, 57th and 228th, but The Great Santini also has four Main Event entries and they are 1st, 2nd, 14th and, wait for it, 448th. That last entry was apparently just to make everyone else feel better (he could have placed that one in the top 31 if he’d wanted according to close family friends).

Main Event Leaders in 2024

Week Date Fantasy Owner Overall Points Margin Over Second Current Overall Place
1 3/31 Jenny Butler 7501.5 48.5 381st
2 4/7 Nelson Sousa 7468.5 22.0 46th
3 4/14 Nelson Sousa 7646.0 13.0 46th
4 4/21 Greg Diehl 7501.5 134.5 102nd
5 4/28 Glenn Schroter 7481.0 63.0 17th
6 5/5 Glenn Schroter 7673.0 255.5 17th
7 5/12 Robert Cramutola 7731.0 105.5 13th
8 5/19 Glenn Schroter 7538.0 35.0 17th
9 5/26 Glenn Schroter 7585.5 182.5 17th
10 6/3 Glenn Schroter 7523.0 129.0 17th
11 6/10 Clark Olson 7294.0 55.5 1st
12 6/17 Glenn Schroter 7391.0 152.5 17th
13 6/24 Glenn Schroter 7454.0 117.0 17th
14 7/1 Glenn Schroter 7429.5 28.0 17th
15 7/8 Robert Beckman 7386.0 29.0 23rd
16 7/15 Clark Olson 7523.5 219.5 3rd
17 7/22 Clark Olson 7489.0 90.5 3rd
18 7/29 Clark Olson 7600.5 222.0 3rd
19 8/5 Clark Olson 7744.0 292.5 3rd
20 8/12 Clark Olson 7701.0 287.5 3rd
21 8/19 Clark Olson 7699.0 277.0 3rd
22 8/26 Jason Santeiu 7568.0 52.0 1st
23 9/2 Clark Olson 7640.0 80.5 3rd
24 9/9 Jason Santeiu 7675.5 45.0 1st

But surprisingly, these are not the only two fantasy managers in this overall race. My Favorite Martin – Gregg Martin – is in fourth place overall, 274.5 points out of first. And rounding out the top five is our Tony Award Winner Tony DiVincenzo, who three weeks ago was 15th, then 8th and last week 5th (which he held this week).

The fresher Eric Drescher moved up to 6th from 9th, as he recommits to the task after his second break from the NFBC. Drummer Griffin Benger is still on a roll and finds himself in 7th place overall. Tyler (Welcome to the Jungle) Jung drops one spot from 7th to 8th as he plans his next safari, and Todd Hoppe is back from Paris (he entered the triple jump competition of course) and is now 9th (from 10th). Anthony Donisch (who likes a good danish) is still in the top 10 after falling two spots from 8th to 10th this week.

Department Store owner Bill Macey is in 11th place after climbing from 16th; Matthew Dugan (who says his friends call him Doogie) is now 12th; former Overall Main Event Champ Robert Cramutola has surged from 50th three weeks ago and is now 13th (zowie); in 14th is (sigh) Jason Santieu, and The Finnish Flash Jordan Rosenblum resides in 15th overall. 

Brody (the Coyote) John is now in 16th (dropping a bit from 13th); 2015 overall champ and former 2024 leader Glenn Schroter is still solid in 17th; Rotowire favorite James Anderson is 18th; Andrew Deninno is now 19th after working on FAAB solely from his den instead of the living room and Matt Leahy rounds out the top 20 (he was 28th last week). 

Scout Dustin McComas is in 21st; Andrew Kopicz is 22nd; David, um, Robert Beckman is in 23rd; Michael O’Brien is proving his mettle in 24th and Clark The Shark has his second-best team in 25th.

But all 31 of these fantasy managers are in the hunt for sure, and in a big 855-team contest like the Main Event, that’s very impressive, right? Nice job, fellows!

Top 31: Main Event 2024

Overall Rank Overall Prize Money Fantasy Manager Overall Points Points Behind 1st Place
1 $200,000 Jason Santeiu 7675.5 0.0
2 $50,000 Jason Santeiu 7630.5 45.0
3 $30,000 Clark Olson 7596.0 79.5
4 $25,000 Gregg Martin 7401.0 274.5
5 $20,000 Tony DiVincenzo 7381.0 294.5
6 $15,000 Eric Drescher 7186.0 489.5
7 $12,500 Griffin Benger 7090.5 585.0
8 $10,000 Tyler Jung 7083.5 592.0
9 $9,000 Todd Hoppe 7071.0 604.5
10 $8,000 Anthony Donisch 6967.5 708.0
11 $7,500 Bill Macey 6883.5 792.0
12 $7,000 Matthew Dugan 6874.0 801.5
13 $6,500 Robert Cramutola 6817.0 858.5
14 $6,000 Jason Santeiu 6795.0 880.5
15 $5,500 Jordan Rosenblum 6793.0 882.5
16 $5,000 Brody John 6779.0 896.5
17 $4,000 Glenn Schroter 6732.5 943.0
18 $3,500 James Anderson 6724.0 951.5
19 $3,000 Andrew Deninno 6711.5 964.0
20 $2,500 Matt Leahy 6698.5 977.0
21 $2,400 Dustin McComas 6689.5 986.0
22 $2,300 Andrew Kopicz 6681.0 994.5
23 $2,200 Robert Beckman 6678.0 997.5
24 $2,100 Michael O’Brien 6673.0 1002.5
25 $2,000 Clark Olson 6673.0 1002.5
26 $1,950 Chris Uram 6664.5 1011.0
27 $1,900 Kyle Brinkmann 6638.0 1037.5
28 $1,850 Nicholi Knutson 6619.5 1056.0
29 $1,800 Darren Wasny 6617.0 1058.5
30 $1,750 Michael DeCavalcante 6610.0 1065.5
31 $1,700 Rich Barry 6607.5 1068.0
Average Top 31 Overall Score Average Top 31 Overall Score 6904.6

League of Legends

Legends Never Die GIF by HOMAGE

Here are the 57 Main Event leagues with the current top three in the standings as of Monday morning!

Top Three: 2024 Main Event League Leaders

NFBC League # LEADER – $7,000 prize 2nd Place – $3,500 prize 3rd Place – $1,750 prize
1190 Kyle Brinkmann Jason Perkins Andrew Kopicz
1194 Nicholi Knutson Kyle Brinkmann David Miller
1232 Ray Murphy Bob Casale Danny Bronski
1233 Andrew Kopicz Anthony Botzo Andrew Sullivan
1337 Daniel DaSilva Steven Heffernan Elliott Landry
1380 Scott Waggener Joseph Martens Philippe Dussault
1381 Jackson Price Steven Weimer David Clum
1418 Neil Petersen Stephen Prepas Christopher Torres
1419 Brody John Michael Brophy Bill Gaffney
1427 James Anderson Robert Cramutola John Pausma
1438 Chris Uram Abdulaziz Madani Dave Rhydderch
1443 Jason Santeiu Clark Olson Nelson Sousa
1460 Michael Thompson Dalton Del Don Kyle Brinkmann
1479 Robert Beckman Dave Rhydderch Matt Modica
1484 Adam Warner Matthew Shepherd Michael Mager
1485 John Pausma Clark Olson Daniel Semsel
1487 Dan Thompson Brian Magnani Matthew Crane
1488 Brandon King James Gabal Graham Dawick
1489 Ben Tidd Markus Sultan Joe Green
1493 Alan Mitchell Kyle Brinkmann Justin Aspite
1516 Andrew Deninno Dustin McComas Mark Northan
1517 Bill Macey Steven Puntenney Eddie Gillis
1518 Michael O’Brien Joe Green Greg Smith
1519 Robert Cramutola Kevin Hasting Dalton Del Don
1520 Andrew Sullivan Bill Gaffney Anthony Licocci
1521 Griffin Benger Carter Gill Philippe Dussault
1522 Tony DiVincenzo Stephen Jupinka Richard Zito
1523 Clark Olson Lindy Hinkelman David Mirza
1528 Richard DiMondo Paul Sporer Josh Pettersen
1539 Bradley Libros Bob Catsiroumpas Dominic Rello
1566 Matt Leahy Greg Diehl Brian Ambos
1585 Christopher Cosley Erik Konyk Griffin Benger
1586 Rich Barry Tom O’Bryan Aaron Jones
1587 Christopher Vaccaro Eric Albright John Doering
1598 Eric Drescher Robert Cramutola Matthew Shepherd
1605 Mike Ballschmiede Peter Marrero Nelson Sousa
1615 Eric Karlovic Anthony Palavis Mike Cameron
1634 Bradley Libros Michael Lins Bob Catsiroumpas
1645 Robert Mirshak Dave Rhydderch Stephen Ciepiela
1646 Tyler Jung Abdulaziz Madani David DiDonato
1647 Matthew McDonough Donnie Braud Jon Hegglund
1648 Richard Temkin Dustin Wagner Darren Wasny
1649 David Bone Jason Anthony David Gacioch
1650 Jeff Mitseff Dalton Del Don Scott Waggener
1653 Jordan Rosenblum Anthony Palavis Scott Waggener
1658 Matthew Dugan Chris Uram Tim Sansome
1676 Jason Santeiu Todd Hoppe Chet Lexvold
1680 Michael DeCavalcante David McDonald Sean Chambers
1685 Corey M Evans David Deterra Michael Wallis
1692 Glenn Schroter Leonard Ringle James Rodriguez
1707 Zachary Viglianco David Miller Pat Tremaglio
1714 Anthony Donisch Chris Boudreaux Aaron Lawson
1778 Tyler Jung Bryan Shorstein Michael Amarante
1817 Gregg Martin Tristan Hills Matthew Dugan
1820 Scott Fleming Danny Bronski Tyler Jung
1831 Jason Santeiu David Ehansipoor Dan Leonard
1837 Robert Cramutola Alan Mitchell Mark DiMondo


Shout Out Love GIF by The3Flamingos

There are some notable fantasy managers who have multiple teams placing in the Main Event at this late stage of the season, and they certainly deserve a shout-out! Leading the way is (of course) Robert Cramutola with two firsts and two seconds. Wow. Not to be outdone, Kyle Brinkmann has one first, two seconds and one third. Jason Santeiu has three first places, which is also outstanding; Tyler Jung has two firsts and a third; Clark the Shark Olson has one first and two seconds; Scott Waggener has one first and two thirds and both Dalton Del Don and Dave Rhydderch have one second and two thirds. Those eight fantasy managers alone have 10 first places, eight seconds and eight thirds. Yikes.

But see below, as there are other fantasy managers with outstanding results. In fact, these 26 stars account for 19 first places (33% of the total) and 62 cashing positions (36%), leaving not much for the rest of the field!

Two firsts; two seconds – Robert Cramutola
One first; two seconds; one third – Kyle Brinkmann
Three firsts – Jason Santeiu
Two firsts; one third – Tyler Jung
One first; two seconds – Clark Olson
One first; two thirds – Scott Waggener
One second; two thirds – Dalton Del Don; Dave Rhydderch
Two firsts – Bradley Libros
One first; one second – Chris Uram; Alan Mitchell
One first; one third – John Pausma; Andrew Sullivan; Matthew Dugan; Griffin Benger; Alan Mitchell
Two Seconds – Abdulaziz Madani; Anthony Palavis
One second; one third – Joe Green; David Miller; Bob Catsiroumpas; Matthew Shepherd; Danny Bronski; Bill Gaffney
Two thirds – Nelson Sousa; Philippe Dussault

Good luck to all the competitors in Week 25!

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