
First Look: MLB Fantasy Picks Today for DFS (6/19)


We are getting the party started earlier than usual with a 12:20 ET first pitch between the Tigers and Braves, and we will have no shortage of quality arms at our disposal with the expensive triumvirate of Ranger Suárez, Tarik Skubal and Reynaldo Lopez leading the way. We also have a combo of extremely attackable game stack options, with a Kyle Hendricks/Spencer Howard matchup at Wrigley (if we get offensively favored wind, I’ll lean this direction even more) as well as a less-obvious but still juicy Kyle Gibson/Marlins bullpen game in South Florida. 

Threading the needle of excellent recent form, but lacking a ton of K upside, and also in a fairly awful matchup is a reasonably priced Matt Waldron, who could garner some more ownership than expected due to the unknown flutterings of his knuckleball being a neutralizing agent for the potent Phillies offense.

We shouldn’t be making lineups without consulting the tools, such as –

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