Welcome to the newest Esports on DraftKings! Valorant is upon us and our first slate is tomorrow morning. Phaaaked from FTNDaily has provided a detailed breakdown of the scoring. I
will break down tomorrow’s slate in a different article, but we literally have no data of what’s optimal. What we do know is that we’ll have an edge on the field with three Esports professionals from FTNDaily to help you succeed.
Below are the beginning pieces to your success.
Valorant brings a new aspect that CSGO does not have in the addition of champions that players use, much like LOL, these champions provide certain “roles,” dueling champions are gonna be your champions who will have more of the opening kills and multi-kills, which gives you both the multi-kill bonuses along with increasing your Average Combat Score, as opposed to support champions who will have more assists and be used more in creating advantageous duels for the duelers.
An interesting new stat that is being added to Valorant scoring is the Average Combat Score. The Average Combat Score is calculated by the following:
- 1 point for each damage dealt with guns or abilities.
- Kills based on enemies with certain HP 150/130/110/90/70 etc. For example, the enemy killed with 125 HP will be 110 points.
- More than 1 kill will count. Each multi-kill (multiple kills per round) earns a +50 score bonus with +50 points for each kill.
- Non-damaging assists: Using non-damaging abilities like blind etc., gives you 25 points for each enemy.
- Number of rounds you won
- Plants and Defuses are not counted against the average combat score
The rest of Valorant scoring is very similar to CSGO scoring, 2 points per kill, -1 point for deaths and 1 point for assists. We see bonuses for both clutches and multi-kills, with 1 point for 1v2, 2 points for 1v3, 3 points for 1v4, and 5 points for 1v5, we only see a .25-point bonus for triple kills, 1.5-point bonus for quad kills, and 3-point bonus for an ACE.